Ontario House (aka Stone Jug) 5K

Youngstown, NY

YOUNGSTOWN: Please join us on Saturday February 1, 2025 for the 4th Annual Ontario House (aka Stone Jug) 5K! This beautiful and scenic 5K run will take place in the historic Village of Youngstown New York along the Niagara River and features amazing views of the Lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario, and Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada! The event is hoping to raise much needed funds for the Youngstown Free Library and your support is very much appreciated.

Online Registration (credit card) will remain open right up until the start of the race. Paper apps will also be available (cash or check). Our popular Stone Jug t-shirts are guaranteed to all 5k and 1.4 mile walk participants who register by Monday January 27, 2025 at 9am. A small quantity of extra shirts will be ordered and distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis on race day until they are gone. Post race celebration includes beer (The first one is on the house!) and sandwiches donated by the jug!

9:00-11:00 Race Day Registration & Packet Pickup

Packet Pickup will take place inside the Ontario House (back dining room).

5K Registration Fee ................... $30/$35 after 11/30/24

1.4 Mile Fun Walk ...................... $30/$35 after 11/30/24

NEW FOR 2025
1.4 Mile Non-Timed Fun Walk: Not up for 3.1 miles but would still like to support the library and join the fun? The 1.4 mile Fun Walk will start at the same time as the 5K run (VIEW 1.4 Mile Walk Route). Walkers will line up behind the runners and follow them all the way to the library where they will turn right (runners will be turning left) onto Route 93 where they will head directly to the finish line at the Jug.

Kids Fun Run/Walk: Kids 12 and under are invited to the Youngstown Free Library on race day for a 1/2 mile non-timed Kids Fun Run! Kids and parents can go directly to the library to check in at 10am and the kids run will start at 10:30. All participants will recieve a complimentary finisher medal and post race snacks/goodies at the library after the run. VIEW Kids Fun Run Route

Kids Fun Run/Walk Registration ............. $15.00*
*Includes finisher medal and post race snacks/goodies at the library after the run

Mail-in Registration Option
If you prefer to mail in your registration, please download both the race waiver and appropriate USATF liability waiver below and mail to the address shown. You must complete and mail BOTH waivers to the address shown on the waiver along with your check payable to iRunWNY. Paper applications must be received by 1-25-25.

>Ontario House (aka Stone Jug) 5K Application & Waiver
>USATF Waiver (required)

Post Race Celebration
The post race celebration and awards ceremony will take place inside the Ontario House after the race and includes beer (The first one is on the house!) and pulled pork sandwiches donated by The Jug!

The 5K race will start on Main Street in front of the Ontario House at 11am sharp and will finish inside the back parking lot of The Jug. CLICK HERE to view the USATF certified course!

Ontario House (aka Stone Jug)
358 Main Street
Youngstown, NY 14174

There is plenty of free parking throughout the Village with overflow parking just inside the entrance to Fort Niagara.

Trophies will be presented to the 1st place overall male and female 5K finishers plus age group medals as outlined below. Custom finisher certificates showing race stats and age group rank can be downloaded and printed after the race via the RESULTS button at the top of this page.

14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and older.

For additional information on the race or sponsorship opportunities available, please contact Paul Beatty at (716) 998-5777.

There will be no refunds. In the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, or for any other reason deemed necessary by race organizers (ex: state of emergency, etc), we reserve the right to postpone/reschedule the event at our discretion or offer a virtual alternative if necessary. 

Professional timing & finish line services using industry leading Jaguar Electronic RFID timing will be provided by Race Management Solutions. Results are updated throughout the race in real time and can be accessed at any time after crossing the finish line using any one of the following options:
  • FREE ITSYourRace Mobile App
  • RMS Race Results Kiosk/Printer
  • Scrolling Results TV Monitor
  • ITSYourRace.com
  • RaceManagementSolutions.com

Race participants can also use the ITSYourRace platform to view and share finish line photos with family and friends for free on Facebook. Custom finisher certificates can also be downloaded from the results page at no charge!

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When & Where

Feb 1, 2025


11:00 AM

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Youngstown, NY

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Stone Jug 5K T-Shirt

The Jug is planning to have live music starting at 1pm. Additional information will be posted once we confirm the lineup.

Please consider making a donation to support the Youngstown Free Library!


The Stone Jug
Mike & Barb Costello
(Beer & Sandwiches!)

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